Websites are a little like fashion, they eventually go out of style. But does a slightly out-of-style website need a complete overhaul? Have you been asking yourself lately, “Do I need a whole new website or do I just need a few new features and images?” Your answers to the questions below will help you know when it’s definitely time to redesign your website.
1. Non-mobile-friendly: By now you’ve heard about the importance of a responsive website over and over but that’s because it could be the single biggest reason your website isn’t working or gaining any traction. According to the number of smartphone users worldwide is forecast to reach 2.08 billion users in 2016. And this number is likely to keep growing. And if you have an ecommerce website and don’t think your users are using their mobile devices to shop you could be mistaken. According to the New York Times, the number of phone shoppers is projected to account for 25% of all online sales. That’s a huge increase from just 11 percent in 2011. Bottom line is that If your website doesn’t load properly across all devices your customers will go elsewhere. If that’s not reason enough Google will penalize your site for not being mobile friendly and suddenly your users can’t even find you online.
If you’re wondering if your site is mobile friendly or not Google will analyze your site and tell you. Simply plug in your URL here.
2. High Bounce Rate: Are you getting new customers or are they leaving your site just about as quickly as they got there? In web developer language this is called “High Bounce Rate”. If users leave before taking action such as navigating to another page, filling out a form or clicking on the buy button your website may need a redesign. There are many reasons users leave before taking action. Some reasons could include slow load time, errors, browser compatibility issues, confusing design or they simply couldn’t find what they were looking for.
3. Poor performance: Does you website take a long time to load? Does it have missing images and broken links? 404 errors, crawl errors, expired security certificate error or any other error messages that pop up will cause users to take off. Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics can help you identify where the errors are happening so you know where to start in fixing them. If you are not a marketing professional or website designer we can help you with a quick Website Audit. Give us a call.
4. Static or old content: If there’s one thing that will cause google and your customers to forget about you is a website that hasn’t seen any new content for years. Your website might still load and function properly after a few years (if you’re lucky) but if your website content is exactly the same as it was the day you launched it, you definitely need to shake things up. Your website should be viewed as a living breathing part of your business. It needs fresh, new and relevant content on a regular basis to stay healthy. Most likely your business has changed as the years have gone by and your website should change and grow and evolve as well.
5. You’re not engaging with your users online. Are you utilizing the power of website analytics, email marketing, facebook or google pay-per-click advertising with highly focused landing pages, local directory listings, online reviews or social media? Are your customers engaging with your brand online? Does your website integrate with any of these powerful online tools? If the answers to most of these questions is no it’s time to consult with a professional and find out what you can do to utilize some or all of these tools to give your website and overall online presence a boost.
If any of these issues are familiar to you, it’s definitely time for a redesign. If you want to explore a website redesign or have questions on any or all of the above ideas give us a call at Groove Marketers. We can help you with a new website, a major overhaul or assist with any other online marketing questions you may have. We can perform a website audit that will give you a good idea where to start. At Groove Marketers we’ll help you find your groove online!